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The Student Athlete Success Center at Folsom Lake College provides a comprehensive suite of instruction and services that support student athletes as they seek to attain their educational goals while representing the college in intercollegiate athletic competition.

The program provides student athletes with:

  • The support of a full time athletics counselor a study center equipped with computers and study space
  • Student Personnel Assistant and an Instructional Assistant available during the open hours of operation
  • Tutoring for various subjects during open hours academic progress monitoring through the use of grade checks
  • Guidance during the “Steps to Success” (matriculation and persistence in Los Rios)
  • Priority registration assistance
  • An eligibility officer ensuring student athlete eligibility compliance
  • Support from faculty head coaches who also work in the center and instruct the SPORT 90 series of academic support courses for student athletes


Brett Cauchi
Student Personnel Assistant
(916) 608-6537


Monday through Thursday:
8:00 am to 12:00 pm


Main Folsom campus
Physical Education, PE-112